Friday, 3 January 2014

Manuscript unearthed!

I am in the middle of finishing the "Handbook for Survival in Finland", which is a complete re-write of our 1994 best seller with many hundreds of links so that it is really an interactive eBook. 

It is takeng longer than I expocted as it is a laborious task. Hopefully finished this weekend.

While searching for some documents I came across another 2007 manuscript of mine.

It is in Finnish and it is called "Sananvapaus - Kenen?" 

This translates to "Freedom of Speech - Whose?"

Original cover of "Sananvapaus - Kenen?" which is a barbed wire fence!
Original cover of "Sananvapaus - Kenen?"
which is a barbed wire fence!
This was written when I was frustrated by the attitude of our local newspaper, Kaleva. 

If I wrote that the sun was blue and shining as a text message, it would be published. However, if I pointed out something controversial, it would not see the light of day.

My opinion is that media is one of the main cornerstones of the corruption prevalent in Finnish Society - and this book is proof of my opinion!

I, therefore, decided to publish a book of the text messages of mine that Kaleva did not publish.

I have decided to update this publication (many new text messages to be added), and also make it a dual language (Finnish and English) eBook. However, as I do not have the original computer files, and the result of scanning are not good enough, the text has to be typed in, that is the entire text and the translation. Also,  a new cover has to be designed along with the interior to suit the mood.

Your good wishes will spur me on! :-)

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