Thursday, 26 December 2013

Are you interested in news way of life?

My problems with putting my book "Raising a Child the Montessori Way" on line has continued. I am trying many ways to overcome the quality problem to make it readable.

So I took another job on hand and put up the INTRODUCTION TO THE TUTORIAL COURSE pamphlet to my series on Tutorials for the Maria Montessori Correspondence Course.

To complete a course in teaching children using the Maria Montessori method requires the student to complete a series of assignments. 

I completed this 22 part series and achieved an unbelievable 98% average. My answers were not based on the material which came with the Correspondence Course, but my own research.

To help students I am put up the text of what I wrote for my assignments which students can use to do their own tutorials quicker and faster. 

Also as I have done my research so thoroughly, I may have no equal in the knowledge of Montessori Education of Infants till the age of 6! 

This is because I used it with my own family before I knew about Maria Montessori.

Tutorial Guide Introduction
Tutorial Guide Introduction
I have also put up the first course tutorial book Tutorial Course Tutorials 1 A and 1 B which answers two important aspects of this course. The questions are:

Tutorial 1 A:  The Role of the Child in the Finnish Society 
Tutorial 1 B: Montessori sees the Child as the Father of Man

In the first ! A, I remain controversial as ever, as when I wrote this assignment in 1992, Finland was considered as one of the best countries for low Infant Mortality rates and Child Care. 

I had another opinion which I expressed raher freely. What I wrote then still holds true 15 years on!

The second part of this assignment is the statement of the philosophy of the Maria Montessori Method. It is no surprise that former American President, late Theodore Roosevelt, was of the same opinion.

I hope you enjoy this series.

Tutorial Course Tutorials 1 A and 1 B
Tutorial Course Tutorials 1 A and 1 B

Even if you are not a student of the Mara Montessori Correspondence Course, you will the answers to these two assignment topics of great interest. It sets the tone for your own life and work - there can be another opinion to widely held views.

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